1st National Bank of Scotia is committed in helping you keep your online banking transactions safe and secure. While 1st National uses industry best practices to safeguard your financial information and assets using the latest tools, encryption and software, your actions can enhance the effectiveness in protecting you from unauthorized access and fraud.

Computer and Personal Device Security

  • Install and keep anti-virus and anti-spyware software up-to-date on your computer. Also install and actively manage a firewall on your computer and/or network to assist in preventing cyber attacks.
  • Install software patches (updates) regularly – particularly for the operating system and key applications.
  • Secure your home or office wireless network.
  • Implement any automatic updates for the operating system, anti-virus and anti-spyware/malware applications.
  • Run anti-virus and anti-spyware/malware software regularly, especially after using any public internet or unsecured wireless connections.
  • Protect other electronic devices by using the password option.
  • Delete account sensitive e-mails.
  • Limit administrative rights on your computer and network to prevent the inadvertent downloading and installation of malware or viruses.
  • Completely close and exit all web browsers before and after an online banking session to lessen the risk of certain types of sophisticated malware attacks.
  • Disconnect your computer from the Internet (both wired and wireless connections) when Internet access is not being used for an extended period.

Account Usage and Password

  • For business online cash management activities, it is best to utilize a dedicated PC that will solely be used for online banking and NOT be used for web surfing or e-mail access.
  • Do not use your online banking password for other applications.
  • Never access bank, brokerage or other financial services information at public locations such as internet cafes, hotels, airports, public libraries, etc.
  • Do not share your account and login information such as user names, passwords or PINs with anyone.
  • Create a strong password, which includes a combination of letters, numbers and special characters – 1st National Bank of Scotia requires a password of at least eight (8) characters, which must include a minimum of one (1) uppercase alpha character, one (1) lowercase alpha character, one (1) number and one (1) special character.
  • Avoid using automatic login features which save usernames and passwords for online banking.
  • Change passwords regularly (every 90 days is recommended and required for 1st National Bank of Scotia online banking and Cash Management).
  • Never leave a logged on computer unattended.
  • Close the browser when you are not using the internet.

Protect yourself

  • Frequently and carefully review all transactions shown on your online account detail page as well as your e-Statements.
  • Customizable account alerts are available in both online banking and Corporate Cash Management. These alerts provide you the ability to set a dollar amount threshold and will provide you with an email alert activity fall within the parameters you have established.
  • Immediately report any suspicious transactions to 1st National Bank of Scotia.
  • Watch for unusual changes in web site appearance or PC behavior when logging in to your online banking account.
  • Be suspicious of e-mails which claim to be from a financial institution, government department or other official agency requesting sensitive access information – 1st National Bank of Scotia and other legitimate organizations would never ask for this information via e-mail.
  • Corporate Cash Management (CCM) users:
  • Limit online services and account access to those relevant to their responsibilities. This includes limiting access to high-risk functions such as ACH batch and origination and wire transactions. Users may also be limited by transaction and daily dollar limits.
  • Ensure the CCM Dual Verification process is conducted from separate computers. With Dual Verification, one compromised user cannot initiate a transaction without another authorized user providing an approval, which may prevent or limit losses due to unauthorized transfers.
  • Review your 1st National Bank of Scotia Account Agreement and understand your obligations regarding fraudulent or unauthorized transactions under that Agreement.

What to Do If You Suspect Online Fraud

  • Contact 1st National Bank of Scotia immediately to report any fraudulent activity.  Your immediate action may prevent further theft or compromise. Our phone number for customer service is (518) 370-7200.
  • Shut down your web browser and computer, and disconnect your Internet connection and wireless capability.
    • If a computer is compromised, any continuing activity or operation could expose additional sensitive information to criminals.
    • Some malware may exist only in a computer’s temporary memory.  Shutting down the computer might prevent permanent damage or further infection.
    • Change your passwords and any answers to security questions after the computer has been cleaned.